Friday, November 7, 2008

Herbology: First Year: Week 3: Friday

Professor Pomona Sprout
Gryffindor Time: 10:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00

Today we will be first learning about, then working with, dittany. First off, I must warn you that dittany is highly flammable. There will be no fooling around or off you go! Please take out your quills and parchement and take notes.

Dittany is mainly used to prevent scarring after a magical injury. It must be applied within 3 hours of the injury. Dittany itself is a plant that can grow to over two feet high. It has white/purple blossoms and spiky leaves. The scienitific name for dittany is Dictamnus albus. Dittany produces a sap that is highly flammable and has been known to burst into flames during the summer months. Today we will be collecting this sap for it is valued in scar healing like mentioned before as well as a perfume. Take out your dragon hide gloves now and take a box of these bottles.

We are now going to a special section in greenhouse 2 which is flame proof and has several buckets of water in case of emergencies. Using your gloves, scrape the sap into the bottles. Since these plants are very ripe, you shouldn't have any trouble.

Class time is up. Please bring your bottles to me. Keep your gloves on and wash them before taking them off. Your Homework is to write a paper on your experience with collecting the sap. Also, please draw a picture of the plant. Class is dismissed.

Potions: First Year: Week 3: Friday

Professor Severus Snape
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 1:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00

Potions Blackboard
Concentrating Potion
Fire mint
Colloid of silver
1 Sickle
Flobberworm slime
3 Gnome teeth, crushed
Dragon's blood

Instructions: Fill your cauldron with 5 1/4 cups of water. Next add a tablespoon of fire mint. Stir once. Add the gnome teeth and let sit for 5 minutes. Crush five grains of dragon's blood and rub it on the sickle. Pour two 1/2 teaspoons of the colloid into a bowl and dip the sickle in it. Put your cauldron over the fire and bring it to a simmer without boiling it. Pour in the colloid and drop in the sickle. When a light green steam rises from your cauldron, bring it off the heat. Pour half the mixture into your alembic. Set the alembic over a low flame, put a bowl below the spout of the alembic and wait while it distills.

Class is now over. I want you to bottle the mixture in your bowl and give it to me for grading. Your homework to write ten inches on why you use a sickle, dragon's blood, and colloid of silver.

History of Magic: First Year: Week 3: Friday

Professor Cuthbert Binns
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 10:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 10:00

We will be continuing on the exersise of taking a picture drawn by a muggle of a witch or wizard and trying to descibe what is happening. Today I also want you to describe why this is an impossible photo and why you think that the muggle drew it in this way.

Your Homework is to compare this drawing's description with last class's and see how they are alike.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Transfiguration: First Year: Week 3: Thursday

Professor Minerva McGonagall
Gryffindor Time: 9:00
Ravenclaw Time: 10:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 10:00
First, we are going to continue the same spell as a few classes before. Yes, I do know that you are all tired of it, but you have to master it! Paper out and begin. I'll check your work in about, say, half an hour.

Wands down please. I would like all eyes on me. I believe that as a reward for all your hard work, you can all learn the counter charm to this spell. It will only work if your paper is fully wood-like. Without wands first repeat after me. Sillacharus. Louder! Sillacharus! Good. Wands out and toward your wood. I want you to try your hardest, of course, but I don't expect most of you to get it for a another few classes. You have fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes are up. Wands away please. Your homework is to take your wood with you and try to turn it into paper. Thats all. Class is dismissed until Tuesday.

First Year: Week 3: Thursday: Divination

Professor Sibyll Trelawny
Gryffindor Time: 10:00
Ravenclaw Time: 2:00
Hufflepuff Time: 1:00
Slytherin Time: 2:00

Welcome back to Divination. Today we will Seeing once more with the aid of our circles. Please take out your pouch and key. Lay out a clean cloth onto the table and spread out your circles face down. I then want you to use them to answer the following questions with them.

What will tomorrow bring?
Will I start a new project?
End one?
What will the remainder of the week bring?
The month?
The year?

Then draw two rounds. Choose which one is for 'yes' and which is 'no'. Use them to answer five yes or no questions.

Class is over now. Please pack up your supplies and turn in your papers with your answers to me for grading. I'll see you next week.

Runes: First Year: Week 3: Thursday

Professor Babbling
Gryffindor Time: 2:00
Ravenclaw Time: 9:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00
Today we will be studying another rune that is most commonly called Dagaz. Here is the summory of Dagaz:

Dagaz is also known as Daeg. If it is drawn in a runic reading, then generally the person is feeling the need to be invisble. If it is draw reverse, then the person is feeling the need to be less invisble. You can use this rune as a way to travel unnoticed. Oddly enough, this rune has the main meaning breakthrough.

Have you finished writing your notes? Well, then, here is the next one, Uruz.

Uruz is also known as Ur. It stands for strength, determinations, perservance, courage, health, and assertivness. It is a rune that should be used in all healings. When drawn in a reading, the person who is being read for should be prepared for opportunity disguised as loss. If drawn in reverse, the person being read for should look deep with in themselves to see if they have been missing these opportunities in the set backs.

Once you finish on this one, I want you to get your notes on Mannaz as well. Pretend that you have drawn Mannaz, Dagaz, and Uruz for the past, present, and future. Write a report telling me how you would plan for the future and how you would interpret it.

It is ten minutes until your next class. Please put your quills away. If you have completed your report, please hand it up. If you haven't, finish it for homework. Off you go!

Defense Against the Dark Arts: First Year: Week 3: Thursday

Professor Quirrell
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00

Today we are going to continue our discussion on werewolves. We will be learning the distinguishing characteristics of the said beast. Please get out your quills and paper. The three main points to remember when distinguishing a werewolf from an ordinary wolf is to check three parts: the pupils of the eyes, the snout, and the tail. Highlight on your paper: Pupils, Snout, Eyes. Now for explanations of each.
If you ever have looked at a cat's eyes in bright light, you will see that the pupils are slits instead of rounds. If you look at a human's eyes at any light, the pupils will remain round. A werewolf always has slit pupils when in the transformed state, whether it is light or dark.

A wolf has a long, thin, pointed snout with a black nose. A werewolf, on the other hand, has a pigmentless nose with a long, thick pointed snout. The eyes are also slightly pigmentless and the eye rims are pure pink.

A wolf's tail is quite even all the way through, where as the werewolf has a remarkably thin tail that ends in a tuft not unlike a lions.

These are the characteristics that are the easiest to distinguish. There are body structrual traits as well, like bones that are in different places, but you must see the skeleton for that.

For homework, I would like you to research a picture of a wolf and draw your own. Then, from what I have just told you, create a drawing of a werewolf. That is due on Tuesday. Class is dismissed.

Arithmancy: First Year: Week 3: Thursday

Professor Vector
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 2:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00

Today I want you to take out your sheets that have things like animals and their corresponding numbers. Figure out today's number and then write down the corresponding food, animal, etc.

All set? You are now going to go on a treasure hunt. I want you to take your list of correspondances and hunt the castle up and down for them. Take note of things that you find and where you found them. With the food, bring a sample back. You have forty-five minutes. Off you go.

Did everyone find some of their things? Good. Please turn in your lists and your food. No homework. Time for your next class.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Muggle Studies: First Year: Week 3: Wednesday

Professor Charity Burbage
Gryffindor Time: 10:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00

I thought that it was time for you to learn about the currency system that British Muggles use. They have eight coins and four banknotes. The coins are 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, 20 pence, 50 pence, 1 pound, and 2 pounds and the notes are the 5 pound note, the 10 pound note, the 20 pound note and the 50 pound note. They use the decimal system meaning that there are one hundred pence to a pound.
To give you an idea on how much a pound is worth, consider this:
One galleon is worth £2.62
One sickle is worth £0.15
One knut is worth £0.005

This means that you need two knuts to get even one penny.
Now I want you to try to convert these problems. You may certainly use a calculator.

Pounds to galleons

I hope that you have figured all of these out. Next time maybe we'll try the reverse. For now, it is time to go. No homework, but please come dressed in Muggle clothing next class and come at 9 o'clock. I have a surprise for everyone!

Care of Magical Creatures: First Year: Week 3: Wednesday

Professor Kettleburn
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 10:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00

Today I want to explain to you the different sorts of diets of animals. Generally, you can sort animals into three catagories based on their diet: Herbavore, Carnivore, and Omnivore. A carnivore is an animal that eats only meat. An example of a carnivore is a griffin. A herbivore is an animal that eats only plants. An example of a herbivore is a unicorn. An omnivore is an animal that eats meat and plants. An example of an omnivore is a gnome because a gnome will eat both bugs and the roots of plants.

I want you to think back to October, when I had you make a chart that had you comparing the different traits of different creatures. Now, I want you to make that same chart, only comparing a herbavore, a carnivore, and a ominivore. You don't have to use my examples, you can find your own. I would recommend that you get out your copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them for this exersise. I think you have about forty-five minutes to complete this chart. I expect it done by the end of the class.

Forty-five minutes are up! I want all finished charts handed back in to me. If your chart isn't finished, then your homework is to finish it as well as write a report that defines the three catagories and give three examples of each. Class is dismissed.

Charms: First Year: Week 3: Wednesday

Professor Filius Flitwick
Gryffindor Time: 9:00
Ravenclaw Time: 9:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 10:00
Hello again class! Today we will be practicing what we have been learning in the past weeks because I have noticed that not all of you have mastered the spells and motions. So first, wands out! Now, I am going to come around to each table and have you demonstrate the motions. This one first! Let me see your swish. Good. Flick! Ok, now the point. Very good. I want you to practice those while I move on to the next tables.

Back to the first table! I want to see your levitation spells. I think that you have all mastered that one. Keep practicing though!

And back to you for the third and last time. This time I want to see you lumos and nox. Hmm... this one needs a bit of work. Try harder and practice all of the spells and motions.

Class time is up. Your homework is to practice even more! Class is dismissed.

Astronomy: First Year: Week 3: Wednesday

Professor Sinistra
Gryffindor Time: Midnight
Ravenclaw Time: Midnight
Hufflepuff Time: Midnight
Slytherin Time: Midnight

Tonight we will begin by learning vocabulary. Please get out a quill and some parchment. I will want you to study these words for homework.

Apparent magnitude. The brightness of an astronomical object, as observed on Earth and referred to the appearance of some objects chosen as standards. The scale of magnitudes is defined so that a difference of 5 magnitudes corresponds to a ratio of 100 in observed radiation intensity.

Azimuth. Angle measured clockwise around the horizon, from 0* towards the north, through 90* to the east, 180* to the south, 270* to the west, and to 360* due north.

Circumpolar stars. Stars that are close enough to the celestial pole that they do not rise and set each night but can be seen to move around the pole in a circular path. Latitude of observer determines which stars appear circumpolar.

Constellation. A group of stars that seemed to suggest the shape of some god, person, animal or object. Now a term used to designate a region of the sky. There are 88 constellations.

Declination. Angular distance of an object north or south of the celestial equator, measured in degrees. Thus the north celestial pole has a declination of +90 degrees.

Extragalactic. Beyond the Milky Way galaxy.

Latitude. Coordinate used to measure (in degrees) the angular distance of a point or celestial objects above or below an equator.

Light year. Distance that light travels in 1 year.

Longitude. Coordinate used to specify the position of a point or direction around (or parallel to) an equator.

Magnitude. Scale for describing brightness of a celestial object.

Meridian. Great circle, on the celestial sphere or the Earth, that passes through both north and south poles and an observer’s zenith or location.

Orbit. Path traced out by one object around another.

Rotation. Movement (spin) of a body abut an axis that passes through that body. Distinct from revolution, which is motion in an orbit about some point or other body.

Satellite. Body that revolves in orbit around another body. Planets are satellites of the Sun, the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, and artificial satellites have been sent into orbit around the Earth, Moon, Mars and Venus.

Sidereal. Related to the stars. Thus sidereal day, month, period, year: lengths of time intervals specified by motion of some object relative to the stars, as opposed to apparent lengths of those time intervals that will depend on the Earth’s own movements.

Zenith. Point on the sky directly overhead.

Zodiac. Band on the sky, centered on the ecliptic, and about 18 degrees wide, through which the Sun, Moon and planets appear to move through the course of each year.

Quills away now. I want you go outside and see if you can identify any stars. I'll call you back in when class is over.

Ok, class. Time to come in. For homework, I want you to do several things. First, memorize what each of those words mean. Second, I want you to find out exactly how long a light year is and third, I want you to draw me a chart showing the zenith and the zodiac. That's all. You can go back to your nice warm beds now.

******* Thanks to Heartland for the definitions ********

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Transfiguration: First Year: Week 3: Tuesday

Professor Minerva McGonagall
Gryffindor Time: 10:00
Ravenclaw Time: 9:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00
We will be continuing the same spell as last time. Wands out, please. Paper is on your desk.

I am glad to see that you are making progress. Many of you have actual managed a nice grade of wood. Please hand all board up here and the paper, too.
Now, I want you to turn to your neighbor and discuss things that this spell is useful for. Find at least five uses. You have half an hour.

Time is up, class. What you have been discussing is now your homework. I want seven inches on two reasons this spell is useful. You may go now.

Divination: First Year: Week 3: Tuesday

Professor Sibyll Trelawny
Gryffindor Time: 2:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 2:00
Slytherin Time: 10:00
Next I am going to have you create your own divining set that will be easy to use. You will need 38 of the disks in this basket. Now please draw on each of these disks one of these symbols:
acorn - good health
arrow-bad news in a letter
balloon-troubles lifting
bee-meeting friends
bells-good news
birds-good luck
coin-payment of debt
cross-trouble on the way
dog-faithful friends
fish-news from abroad
glove-luck and honour
hat-new work
key-unveiling of mystery
leaf-good luck
man-unexpected visitor
needle-respect from others
owl-bad health
shoe-career change
star-good luck
sun-continued happiness
triangle-unexpected event
Also, please copy the list so that you have all of the meanings on hand.

Eyes up here, please. Now that you each have a set of these divining disks, I want you to practice using them. They are tokens that will tell you the future, if you can See. Spread them all face down on the table. As you swirl them around clockwise, think of a question. When you feel the time is right, pick one. It will tell you the outcome of the question. Try this for a few questions.

Time is up, now. Take one of these pouches and store your tokens in them. Your homework is to continue keeping a dream diary. We will be doing dream interpretation in the future...

Runes: First Year: Week 2: Tuesday

Professor Babbling
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 2:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 2:00
Now that you have learned how to write in runic, I think that it is time for you to learn to what certain runes mean. Please take out a quill and copy down this sign:
Man or Mannaz
The Self
Modesty, Thought, Alturism, Trust
If someone draws this rune, it means that they need to know their self more. They need to stop and reflect. Also, it may mean that they need to trust more and be more modest.

I think that we will just start with one today so that I can explain it.
First, the names. One name is the Elder Futhark Name and the other is a newer name. On this one, Man is the Elder Futhark Name and Mannaz is the newer name. It is handy to know both names.
Second, this is the rune summed up into one or two words.
Next, I expanded on the main meaning.
Last, this is what I think it would mean if I drew this rune for someone. You'll learn how to do that later. It would mean the same thing if you drew the rune for yourself, but then you would know exactly where it applied to.

I want you to memorize this rune, because I will be giving you at least one more next class. Homework is to memorize Mannaz. Class is dismissed.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: First Year: Week 3: Tuesday

Professor Quirrell
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00
For next part of your werewolf education I ask you to study the Wolf's Bane Potion. This potion is highly complex, and very difficult to make. It is, however, worth the effort, for it causes the human to turn into a common wolf, not dangerous to anyone. The many ingredient is wolf's bane, as shown on the right. Wolf's bane is extremely poisonous on it's own.
Said to taste bitter, the Wolf's Bane Potion must be drunk a few days before the full moon, during the full moon and a few days afterwards.
Sugar makes it entirely useless.
It was invented by Mr. Damocles Belby, who's nephew Marcus currently attends school here.
I have here a few samples of the plant courtesy of Professor Sprout, which I will pass around. Study the plant and especially the flower. After you are done, pass it on. Once everyone has seen it, I want you to get into groups and draw a diagram of the whole plant.

That is the bell I hear, so please put away your quills. Your homework is to research the Wolf's Bane Potion and find out as many more of the ingredients as you can. 10 house points to the person who finds the most!

Arithmancy: First Year: Week 3: Tuesday

Professor Vector
Gryffindor Time: 9:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00
Now that you have a good idea of your personal number profile, the next thing you are going to learn is how to choose your future. Notice that I said choose, not predict. What you are about to learn is not telling the future but learning how to tackle choices that may come your way. First, I want you to remember your personal number. Got that? Good. Now the first choice we are going to come up against will be something small and rather insignificant. How about what colour you should wear tomorrow? Nice and minor. Now write out tomorrow's date: 11/5/2008
First, reduce all of the numbers: 1+1/5/2+0+0+8 = 2/5/1
Next, add all of the reduced numbers: 2+5+1= 8
So, tomorrow's personal number is 8. Now, add tomorrow's number with your number. For me, that would be: 8+8=16 1+6=7
So for me, tomorrow is a 7 day.

Now you need a list of colors and their numbers.
Here is one:
1 Pink, Brass, Dark Purple
2 Copper, crimson
3 Orange, Gray
4 Yellow, Black, White, Gold
5 Purple, Magenta
6 Metallic
7 Navy, Tan, Plum
8 Green, Blue, Silver
9 Red, Brown

I must admit that I had some trouble finding colours for some numbers.
Compare numbers between colours and what number tomorrow will be for you. Choose which colour you would want to wear the most out of your options.

Just as an exersise for you brain, figure out today's number and what colour you should be wearing. See if you are wearing that colour.

It is time for you to go. Please pack up. Your homework is to think of a decision that is in your future. Use arithmancy to decide. Class is dimissed

Monday, November 3, 2008

Herbology: First Year: Week 3: Monday

Professor Pomona Sprout
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 10:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00
Alright, please follow me to Greenhouse 1. Today I wanted to continue your education with reviving my pots of Flitterbloom. First, I would like you to learn a little bit about flitterbloom and why it is called such.
Flitterbloom is a extremely hardy plant with really delicate flowers. The flowers are good for curing anxiety and shyness, as well as recklessness. Of course, they all must be prepared in very different ways.
While flitterbooms are not poisonous, it is not prudent to eat them. They will cause you to become very shy and jumpy until you are given the antidote of pepperup potion.
I will now turn on this wireless and you will here what Tilden Toots has to say about reviving flitterblooms.
(To access the wireless (radio), go to the above link and click on the hairbrush. Once you are there, click on the on/off switch for the radio. Also, a transcription for the show can be found here.)
Now that you have heard what Tilden Toots has to say, please take a tray of plants and the two bottles and begin.
(To find your flitterbloom, go back to the deck, click on the eraser and look to your left.)

If everyone could please bring up their trays and bottles, because I do here the bell. Your Homework is to draw a diagram of the flitterbloom. Well done, class. You are dismissed.

History of Magic: First Year: Week 3: Monday

Professor Cuthbert Binns
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00

Magicians, witches and wizards have been portrayed as bevolent and malevolent, practitioners of true magic and false trickery. You will be shown a picture that was made by a muggle showing a magical act. Your job will be to look at the picture and write what you think is happening, if you think it ever happened, and if you think it is shown accurately. Here is the first image:

Quills away, please. If you haven't finished, your Homework is to complete your description. Class is dismissed.

Charms: First Year: Week 3: Monday

Professor Filius Flitwick
Gryffindor Time: 9:00
Ravenclaw Time: 9:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00

Since you have passed the milestone of working your first spell, I thought that it would be nice for you to learn another one. You did very well on the first one, so the second should be easy enough. First, though, I need you to demonstrate that you can do the Levitation spell. One at a time please!

Very good! First let me get those feathers out of your way... Accio Feathers! Now we can begin. I wanted to teach you the Wand Lighting and Extinguishing spells. For the lighting, hold your wand out in front of you and imagine a flame or a glowing light at the tip. Say Lumos! Try this until you can do it easily.

Next you need to learn how to extinguish it at will. Before, while you practiced, the light went out after a few seconds. This is because you could not project enough energy into the wand and hold your consentration, so the light died. But at some time, you will be able to hold that light for an indefinite time. Then you may need to put it out in a hurry. So you will need to say nox or the wand Extinguishing spell. Try it now.

Time is up, so you will need to practice more while you are in your dormitory. Wands away class. Your homework is to keep a record of how long you can hold your light. Turn it in next class. You are dismissed.

Potions: First Year: Week 3: Monday

Professor Severus Snape
Gryffindor Time: 10:00
Ravenclaw Time: 2:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 2:00

Today we are going to see just how much information your brains have absorbed. You will be taking something of a test. No looking back at past lesson, notes, or potion books. Cheating will be punished by detention and points deducted.

  1. Name five ingredients in the Warming Potion
  2. How many beetle eyes were in the Sleeping Potion?
  3. How many times in total should you stir a Sleeping Potion?
  4. Name the length of time a Cooling Draught should be boiled
  5. Cheering Potions should be simmered for how long?
  6. Name one potion that you have made and tell how it worked for you

Your time is up. Put your quills down and hand your papers to me. You have no homework. Class, you are dismissed.

Care of Magical Creatures: First Year: Week 3: Monday

Professor Kettleburn
Gryffindor Time: 2:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 2:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00

Gather round, gather round. Today I am going to tell you about a creature that you will not be able to meet. It is a bit large and rare for me to import one. You should take out a quill and piece of parchment to take notes.

Khamador Serpens is a distant cousin of the non-magical Komodo Dragon. They look a lot like the Komodos in body shape and size, but their coloring is very different, being strongly blue on the back. The blue gradates into their yellow-green feet. They are fifteen feet in length on average, with a six inch toungue that is forked and bright purple. Most speciemens reside in Asia and Australia.

That is all, class. I will dismiss you early. Your homework is to look up what a Komodo Dragon looks like and draw what you think a Khamador Serpens looks like. Until Wednesday, class.

What is this blog?

This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to so that I can
give you your grade.

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