Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Defense Against the Dark Arts: First Year: Week 3: Tuesday

Professor Quirrell
Gryffindor Time: 11:00
Ravenclaw Time: 1:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 1:00
For next part of your werewolf education I ask you to study the Wolf's Bane Potion. This potion is highly complex, and very difficult to make. It is, however, worth the effort, for it causes the human to turn into a common wolf, not dangerous to anyone. The many ingredient is wolf's bane, as shown on the right. Wolf's bane is extremely poisonous on it's own.
Said to taste bitter, the Wolf's Bane Potion must be drunk a few days before the full moon, during the full moon and a few days afterwards.
Sugar makes it entirely useless.
It was invented by Mr. Damocles Belby, who's nephew Marcus currently attends school here.
I have here a few samples of the plant courtesy of Professor Sprout, which I will pass around. Study the plant and especially the flower. After you are done, pass it on. Once everyone has seen it, I want you to get into groups and draw a diagram of the whole plant.

That is the bell I hear, so please put away your quills. Your homework is to research the Wolf's Bane Potion and find out as many more of the ingredients as you can. 10 house points to the person who finds the most!


What is this blog?

This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to homeschoolhogwarts@gmail.com so that I can
give you your grade.

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