Monday, September 1, 2008

History of Magic: First Year: Week 1: Monday

Professor Cuthbert Binns
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00

The Wizengamot was formed in 1044 by Judge Bagshot. At first it was like the muggle jury with 25 wizards that decide who was right. The judge, attorneys, etc. were not part of the organization. Later the group decide to include the judge and became the official wizarding court group. Witches were not allowed onto it until 1912 when their protesting took some effect. Even then it was another 6 months before a woman was voted onto the Wizengamot. Since then the Wizengamot has grown to 200 in number.

The way a witch or wizard get accepted to the wizengamot is by first being nominated for the position by three members in good standing. To be nominated, you need to have done something out standing for the wizarding society or something equally as great. You then will need to be voted in by a majority of the Wizengamot.

Homework: Write a paragraph on the Wizengamot.


What is this blog?

This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to so that I can
give you your grade.

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