Thursday, January 8, 2009

Arithmancy: First Year: Week 5: Thursday

Professor Vector
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 11:00
Hufflepuff Time: 2:00
Slytherin Time: 9:00

Today we will continue to study the personality traits, moving onto 5 and 6.

Five is the number of instability and imbalance. Fives are prone to change and will frequently commit to many projects and do none. They are energetic, adventurous, and very willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They do not remain in one place long, instead preferring a more nomadic life of wandering and travel.
The downside of fives is that they can be conceited, irresponsible, quick-tempered, and flighty.

Sixes are the opposite. They are reliable, loyal, and keep their friends. They are family oriented and do well in the arts, but have a lousy business sense. They can be prone to gossiping and laziness.
Six is considered one of the most auspicious numbers of arthimancy. If you add 1+2+3 you get 6 and if you multiply 1x2x3 you will also get six.

All right. Put your quills away. Your homework is to study the numbers we have learned so far. Class is dismissed.


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