Friday, September 5, 2008

History of Magic: First Year: Week 1: Friday

Professor Cuthbert Binns
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 10:00
Hufflepuff Time: 11:00
Slytherin Time: 10:00

Gaspard Shingleton was born in 1959 and is still living. He invented the Self-Stirring Cauldon after losing patience with his wife, who notoriously forgot to stir his many potions while he was away. As he had a potion-making business , this was disastrous to business and profit. The Self-Stirring Cauldron has ten long spoons that rotate continually.

Ignatia Wildsmith, 1227-1320, was a witch that got air-sick very easily and, as the cushioning charm was not invented until 1820, she preferred to walk, rather than ride a broom. Also, she was claustrophobic and "would not Apperate to save my life, no I wouldn't!". So after a very long walk from her home to London, which was 142 mile away, she declared that she would stay until she had come up with a better way to travel. So Floo Powder was invented.

Homework is to find Gaspard Shingleton and Ignatia Wildsmith on (Hint: try Wizard of the Month Archives). Class is dismissed.


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This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to so that I can
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