Monday, October 6, 2008

Charms: First Year: Week 2: Monday

Professor Filius Flitwick
Gryffindor Time: 9:00
Ravenclaw Time: 9:00
Hufflepuff Time: 10:00
Slytherin Time: 11:00

Now, class, I want you to each step up and demonstrate your homework, 'swish, point'.
I'm very glad that you all practiced and your wand work is definitely improving. I was thinking that today would be a good day to begin the last movement before you learn a spell. The last movement you are going to learn is 'flick'. Start with your wand in the position that you start 'point' in. In a quick movement, let your wand fall a few inches, then quickly bring it back up, just as if you are getting rid of a fly on the end. Remember that all movement should be from the wrist. Practice that movement until it is one quick tap.

Now that you all know 'swish', 'point', and 'flick', I'm going to combine them. Do the movement of 'flick, swish, point'. Do this over and over until you can do it effortlessly and automatically.

OK class, I hear the bell. You may put your wands away and your Homework is to practice 'flick, swish, point'. Also practice each one separately and try your own combinations.


What is this blog?

This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to so that I can
give you your grade.

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