Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Runes: First Year: Week 1: Tuesday

Professor Babbling
Gryffindor Time: 1:00
Ravenclaw Time: 2:00
Hufflepuff Time: 9:00
Slytherin Time: 2:00
Hello class! The first thing that you need to learn is the legend of how runes came to be. Please take out your books and read pages 5-9
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Now, reread the story of Odin and take notes this time, please.

If you are done, class, I need you to look this way. We don't have much more time, so I would like you to please copy out the runes on this scroll and save it, for you will need to memorize them.
That is the bell. Your
Homework is to start memorizing your runes and rewrite the story of Odin for me.

Thank you, Rune Scripts for the story of Odin.

Original Link: http://www.rune-scripts.arollo.com/legend-odin.htm


What is this blog?

This blog is for every student who wishes that they could have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here I post lessons that I have created and you can do. Please email all lesson answers and homework to homeschoolhogwarts@gmail.com so that I can
give you your grade.

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